Thursday, 8 November 2012

Turn Indicator Bulb Replaced

Yesterday evening, the turn signal indicator for the right side suddenly began to toggle nervously twice as fast as normal - and I realised that the front bulb had gone. Bought one today at Halfords. Was not quite sure how to fix it, so I paid the £3.99 fee and let them do it. And it was more complicated than I had thought: it needed to be done from under the front wing, where the wheel is located. It took the guy almost half an hour! Good that I did not attempt this myself. The engineers/designers at Peugeot appear not to have the bulb changing procedure thought through a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, replacing the front turn light indicators is less complicated than the guy from Halfords did make me believe: it is NOT necessary to go through the wheel wing, but the bulb can actually be accessed from the engine compartment. There is a flap that needs to be pressed down, and then the whole blinker assembly unit slides outwards. I figured that out when I removed the water that had accumulated in the left blinker case.
